SIT S.p.A. started to embrace the Kaizen philosophy in order to improve its manufacturing processes and its working methods.
SIT S.p.A., manufacturer of a wide range of products and provider of high quality, complete solutions for power transmission with productive plants and logistic centers spread all over the world, has now accepted the challenge of the Japanese philosophy for all its operations worldwide.
The path started with people, SIT’s most valued asset: all the qualified team has been instructed with the basic principles of Kaizen method, like bottom-up improvement and efficiency mindset. Starting from there, people will continue their projects with a new eye and a new attitude that allow small and constant improvements in every part of the value chain and in people themselves. The guidelines are the SIT values, such as maximum valorization of human capital, waste reduction and quality combined with efficiency, while the final goal is to never settle on a good result, but always aim at something better.
SIT started this project not only for the company, but to bring a change-in-better (KAI = change; ZEN = better) also to its users, the machines, thus improving the quality of all the finished products of every sector.
The calling is to continue to be a link in that chain called progress.